Railson & Heidi Gil
Porto de Moz, Pará, Brazil
News from the Field
November/December 2001

When's Mass?

Inside our church: new benches

Sometimes it's the charming little things in life that seem to make it all worthwhile on the mission field. Last month we couldn't help but smile when our 7-year-old neighbor, peering through the fence with a hopeful gleam in her eyes, inquired, "Is there gonna be mass there tonight?" We knew immediately that she was referring to our family group, and her blessed naivety about the use of terms was refreshing. Several times she and her younger siblings had come to sing songs and pray with us in the Wednesday evening patio gathering. The incident served to remind us, too, that Catholicism still remains a strong religious influence in our community. As pastors we've tried to do a careful job of embracing the large community of Brazilian Catholics by avoiding doctrinal disputes and simply showing the love of Jesus. It seems to be working. The local priest is now quite comfortable with our city church plant and the Vinha fellowships in the interior, even though they have attracted a number of members previously of the Catholic faith. Says he, only those who were never truly saved would leave the Catholic tradition to become part of another fellowship; it can only help. That's nice to hear from our Catholic counterparts. More, Lord! When Jesus is raised up, people from all religious walks can see His light. Neighbors such as ours, who would otherwise consider themselves Catholic, are coming around to family group to sing and pray and experience the love of Jesus. So, when's mass? Well, in our backyard, it's anytime a Catholic wants to meet Jesus!

Railson and the Saturday kids

Activities for Children and Teens

As you may remember, during our July conference several adolescents gave their hearts to Jesus. For that reason, we started holding weekly Bible studies and game times especially for them. Please pray that the Lord would continue to give Railson wisdom in leading this peculiar group of poorly-parented-but-Jesus-loving kids to maturity in Christ and that we would see an increase in workers to work with church children and youth.


Special Report: Looking Back, Looking Ahead

Click above for an overview of our 2001 projects and our vision for 2002!

We wish you and your family a joyful and safe holiday season.
In His Service, Railson & Heidi


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Letters & Packages: Railson & Heidi Gil, Rua Abel Alves dos Santos 1704,
Cabanagem, Porto de Moz, PA 68.330-000 Brazil
Financial Support: GCF, PO Box 561, Corvallis, OR 97339
(checks made payable to GCF with a note for Gil-Brazil)
Phone: 55-91-3793-1259
Email (forwarding): harnold@orst.edu