September - October

Railson & Heidi Gil
Church Planting in Brazil
The Xingu Mission  •  Vineyard Brazil

Prayer Corner...

1. Expansion and leadership of men’s and women’s discipleship groups

2. Worship team development, especially for the Lord to send us a worship leader

3. Expansion of  children’s Sunday School and youth group activities

4. Continued success for our broadband Internet service provider, AMASTER

5. More conversions and baptisms

6. The sale of our home and property in Porto de Moz

7. Our family health and rest, especially for improved sleep

8. Funding for church property and future building

9. Training for Clemar, one of Railson’s disciples, as an elder

I Want To Be Jesus

On a whim, I asked our 4-year-old, Timothy, what he wants to be when he grows up. After a few moments of thought, he quipped “I want to be Jesus!” Amused by his choice of profession and curious to know what was behind it, I prompted him further, “And what is it that Jesus does?” “He makes people obey!” came the proud reply. Well, apparently our lessons on obedience were starting to hit home! I laughed. Tim got me thinking. Although Jesus doesn’t make people obey, He does show us that it is the most noble, wholesome and delicious thing in all the world to obey the Son of God. So, good on 'ya, Tim, because as He is, so are we in this world. (1 John 4:17)

The “lessons on obedience” have been hitting home with Railson and I recently, too. We have been on the most profound spiritual journey of our lives this summer, one which has caused us to define more clearly our calling and strengthen our resolve to “finish the race with grace” no matter the cost. Thank you to those who have contacted us, prayed for us and notified your intercessory groups. We are thrilled at the results! What seemed like an impossible situation has been turned around 100% for our good. Our friendships with our leaders have been strengthened, the church is growing, discipleship is running strong, and new works have been opened with children and juniors. Please continue to pray for our needs (sidebar), and for the ongoing development of our multi-ethnic team.

Blessed Through the 'Net

It hasn’t been an easy road, but our “tent-making” business is finally up and running. Amaster is a broadband-based ISP working in nearby Monte Dourado. With scarcely a third of the financial resources normally necessary, the Lord has blessed us with equipment, personnel, and office space sufficient to transmit to 60+ Internet clients. Although, the business is not yet generating revenue (start-up and running costs exceeded our estimates) it has an excellent standing within the community, and requests for hook-up come in weekly. We encourage you to invest financially in this project, since it will be a direct blessing to the several hundred businessmen in Monte Dourado and will generate funds for our church planting projects. With increased funding we will be able to pay off our original loans and purchase additional towers which will be necessary to meet demand in more distant districts. Donations may be made to the address below, designated for the Gils.    (Photo: View of Monte Dourado from the Amaster tower)

Heidi & Railson


Letters & Packages: Railson & Heidi Gil, C.P. 10, Almeirim, PA 68.230-000 Brazil
Financial Support: The Xingu Mission, PO Box 340785, Columbus, OH 43234-0785
(checks made payable to the Xingu Mission with a note for Gil-Brazil)
Phone: 55-93-3737-1888

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