Railson & Heidi Gil
Porto de Moz, Pará, Brazil
News from the Field
September-October 2004

There has not failed one word of all His good promise. I Kings 8:56

Pleasant Horizons

Our churches associated with the Xingu Mission now form part of the Association of Vineyard Churches in Brazil (AIVB). In July we handed off our plant in Porto de Moz to a new pastor from our mission who will build and expand on the Vineyard structure we have grown to love. Shortly, we will transfer to Almerim where the next chapter in our ministry waits to be written. Many details of the move have yet to be clarified, but at the time of this writing, we are planning on moving to a rental house around the 20th of September. This is an important time for our supporters to be praying for us and the kids!

This was boot camp!

Our experience in Porto de Moz has been a valuable learning experience--a veritable boot camp. The community has been our "nest" for hatching both ministry and family, and through it all we have gained some important insights. (The old adage "learn from your mistakes"

certainly applies here!) We have been through some tight times that have served to deepen our dependence on the Lord, and we have been through some lighthearted times proving that despite our shortcomings, the refreshing rain of His presence still comes down. (More, Lord!) Through our building project Constru-Blessing we helped several families, but have retired the project until we are able to develop a better structure for follow-up. The home-group base for the local church is definitely a winner, and we are currently implanting this structure in Almerim. We’ve learned how to (and how not to) structure worship teams, and have deepened in our understanding of the use of music in worship. Railson and worker Evandro sustained the radio program, Tempo Jubileu, for two years before the station went off the air. Now, because of radio’s great potential to reach distant villages and transmit announcements, we are firmly praying for a private station in Almerim. Railson has been dutifully studying for the last four years and has finished all but the last 6 months--halleluiah! We are looking forward to his schedule being slightly more relaxed by the beginning of next year.

Nutrition as Ministry

Heidi is grateful for her position as community nutritionist, as it has been a valuable tool for integration into the community and for lan-guage-learning, despite its minuscule financial return. After four years of nutrition education and intervention in Porto de Moz, the community gained awareness of nutritional issues as evidenced by the decline in malnutrition, early weaning, and underweight pregnancy. Most rewarding of all is the opportunity to save the lives of underweight infants and preemies, like the 6-month-old who came to Heidi weighing only 5 pounds, but holding onto life. Although it will be hard to leave this job, Heidi’s résumé has been requested in Almerim where new opportunities await.

Keep us in your prayers.


Railson, Heidi, Tim & Sarah


Letters & Packages: Railson & Heidi Gil, R. Ver. José Santana da Fonseca 1620, Palhal, Almeirim, PA 68.230-000 Brazil
Financial Support: The Xingu Mission, PO Box 340785, Columbus, OH 43234-0785
(checks made payable to the Xingu Mission with a note for Gil-Brazil)
Phone: 55-93-3737-1888
Email: railson.gil@canal13.com.br

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