Railson & Heidi Gil
Porto de Moz, Pará, Brazil
News from the Field
September/October 2001

Gil House, Sept. 2001

God Bless America

We are still shocked at the scenes that brought all normal broadcasting on Brazilian TV to a halt on September 11th and continue to dominate the world news. We grieve the unjust loss of human life through the recent terrorist attacks, and we wish to express our deepest sympathies to those of you who have been in some way personally affected by the tragedy.

"The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms;
He will thrust out the enemy from before you, and will say, 'Destroy!'"
(Deuteronomy 33:27)

Fall Focus on Prayer

Railson at the pulpit The US: In light of the recent news, let's not forget to pray for President Bush, his advisors and our military leaders. Pray for the re-stabilizing of the dollar, the rise of which recently devalued Brazilian currency, causing the Brazilian poor to become poorer yet.

Health: Heidi finds herself struggling with stress-related tiredness and persistent headaches. Railson was recently diagnosed with chronic migraines that occasionally cause dizziness and vomiting. Both are recovering from amebic infections and UTIs.

Heidi leading Sunday evening worship Home Fellowships: This month we opened up a new group, the first in its district, for a total of four groups. Railson has moved from group leadership to supervision. By motorcycle he visits each of the groups in sequence on the same night. Heidi's last two meetings drew upwards of 25 people each. Pray for the salvation of individuals who are coming out to family group but don't yet know Jesus. (Maria, Edevane, Marlí and Paulo)

Unity in the Body: In July we found it necessary to confront several young members of our congregation for their spreading of discontent and strife in the Body. Pray for the seeds of division to be plucked out, the venom of disunity to be neutralized, and those involved soon restored to fellowship. (It's interesting that even during this trying time, church attendance by visitors has gone up dramatically.)

Home for the Holidays

After two and a half years on the field, we're ready for a break. We'll be in the Northwest from mid-December until mid-February to spend Christmas with the family, rest in the cool air of an Oregon winter, and, of course, take advantage of the opportunity to share our ministry vision with others. We are looking forward to visiting individuals, churches, home groups, and other organizations that have taken an interest in our work. Heidi is also able to share about her experience managing municipal nutritional interventions as a "tent making" ministry. So, if you would like us to visit your area, please contact us soon so that we can organize our engagement calendar.

Love in Christ, Railson & Heidi


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Letters & Packages: Railson & Heidi Gil, Rua Abel Alves dos Santos 1704,
Cabanagem, Porto de Moz, PA 68.330-000 Brazil
Financial Support: GCF, PO Box 561, Corvallis, OR 97339
(checks made payable to GCF with a note for Gil-Brazil)
Phone: 55-91-3793-1259
Email (forwarding): harnold@orst.edu