May - June

Railson & Heidi Gil
Church Planting in Brazil
The Xingu Mission  •  Vineyard Brazil

Upon receipt of each gift, we want to demonstrate


in its administration and application,


in the strategies it funds, and


to our commitment to Brazil.

The decline in the exchange rate between the US dollar and the Brazilian real over the past two years necessitates our solicitation of increased financial support. Essentially, our income has gone down 35%. Naturally, that means that we need a similar increase in donor support to make ends meet. Each time the dollar weakens, we have to revamp our budget and re-prioritize our spending.

So, we are asking you to consider getting involved or increasing your current monthly commitment. Gifts of as little as $10 per month can make a significant difference!

"…To preach deliverance to the captives…"
Luke 4:18

In the wake of the violence that dominated Brazil’s largest city, São Paulo, over the Mother’s Day weekend, we are reminded of the devastating nature of crime and incarceration. More than 100,000 prisoners retaliated for their sentences and inhumane living conditions through the organization of 293 terrorist attacks cleverly carried out across the state by criminal cohorts on the outside. Several prison complexes were completely gutted, police stations were invaded, shops were raided, many public busses were burned, and traffic was backed up for 114 miles. One hundred and fifty-two people -- prisoners, civilians, military police -- were killed. Tragically, São Paulo became a world-class example of organized crime at its best.

Certainly, imprisonment is a terrible state, but what São Paulo’s criminals haven’t calculated yet is that to dominate the streets in a spirit of rage and vengeance is still to be horribly imprisoned. In all reality, from a Biblical perspective we see that even those who never commit criminal acts, passively relying on the logical consequences of humanism to govern their lives and rejecting the redemptive value of the cross of Christ, face a fate far worse than a stay in one of São Paulo’s prisons.

While we can’t solve São Paulo’s crime problems, we can expose spiritual bondage and minister deliverance and restoration to those who are seeking it within our own circle of influence. We are especially grateful for our new brother in Christ, Osmar, who shook off the shackles of extra-biblical religion and took a stand for Jesus last month, and for Elicelma, who was delivered from the bondage of theft and deceit.

Thank you for standing with us in this call to mediation and restoration. Although we can’t physically minister the transforming love of Jesus to each of São Paulo’s criminals, we are doing the best we can for His glory in our own corner of Brazil.

Church Life


We had fun Easter and Mother’s Day celebrations at church with many visitors.


In late April, we also had the pleasure of receiving a quick visit from fellow missionaries, Kevin & Angie VanHulle, who will soon be moving to Porto de Moz (and, consequently, much closer to us).


The church youth are currently working through a very profitable series on dating by Focus on the Family.


Three more youth were baptized in the Holy Spirit in April and continue in discipleship.

Lightning Strikes

Managing Amaster has been challenging, especially with the seasonal storms that we’ve had lately. We are recovering from two May lightning strikes which led to around $5700 worth of damages. (Still, that is far less than the damages suffered by banks and other local businesses, so we have much to be grateful for.) At any rate, we appreciate your prayers for protection from further strikes!

Blessings, Railson & Heidi

Letters & Packages: Railson & Heidi Gil, C.P. 10, Almeirim, PA 68.230-000 Brazil
Financial Support: The Xingu Mission, PO Box 340785, Columbus, OH 43234-0785
(checks made payable to the Xingu Mission with a note for Gil-Brazil)
Now Donate Online:
Phone: 55-93-3737-1888