Railson & Heidi Gil
Porto de Moz, Pará, Brazil
News from the Field
May/June 2002

"Paaah....deiro!" The bread seller's voice sings out each morning in comical tune, the promise of fresh hot bread for early risers. In Porto de Moz, if one truly wants the best bread, one has to make the effort to get up early, arrange the correct change, and tune in an ear for that familiar padeiro's voice. It's not convenient to sleeping in, but the reward is certainly worth it. As we see it, that's the way it is in one's spiritual life as well; the best things require a little effort. "Fresh bread!" calls out the voice of the Holy Spirit. "Is anyone awake? Is anyone hungry? Listen and eat of my bread."

Ministry News

Our church family is growing. We are excited about the addition of new converts and frequent visits from individuals who have been attracted by home family groups. Two nursing assistants and their families from Heidi's work have begun attending services and Railson's radio program has stimulated the participation of others, especially those from the interior. Church attendance and members' participation in worship and prayer ministry seem to have improved. In June, Railson will attend the annual Vineyard Brazil conference in São Paulo together with several workers from the Xingu Mission. They are expecting a good time of fellowship and friendship building with pastors from the Vineyard (Vinha) movement in others parts of Brazil.

Family News

Railson continues to take daily classes in pedagogy, preaches on river trips as often as he can, maintains the church radio program from Tuesday to Saturday, and pastors our church, Igreja da Vinha. Heidi continues working part-time as nutritionist and local coordinator for national nutrition interventions, coordinates children's Sunday school and women's activities, and sings with the worship team. Timothy is 16 months old and full of toddler antics. We thank God for his good health and excellent development.

Prayer List

Please continue to pray with us for the following needs:

1. Salvation and discipleship
2. Destruction of the forces of witchcraft and idol worship present in our city
3. Anointing for the worship team and an increase of skilled members
4. Effectiveness of community outreaches (radio program, Constru-blessing, river trips, etc.)

The photos above:
* The Xingu Mission fleet, photographed on the Xingu River at a quarterly leaders' retreat in May. Five of the seven boats are stationed within greater Porto de Moz.
* Worship leaders' training session during the May retreat. Our worship leader, Renato (second from right), is teaching recently translated Vineyard worship music. All of the musicians pictured have been walking with the Lord for less than three years.


Home Page

Past Newsletters

Letters & Packages: Railson & Heidi Gil, Rua Abel Alves dos Santos 1704,
Cabanagem, Porto de Moz, PA 68.330-000 Brazil
Financial Support: The Xingu Mission, PO Box 1218, Delaware, OH 43015
(checks made payable to the Xingu Mission with a note for Gil-Brazil)
Phone: 55-93-3793-1259
Email (forwarding): harnold@orst.edu