Railson & Heidi Gil
Porto de Moz, Pará, Brazil
News from the Field
March/April 2003

Please forgive us our lack of promptness with our first newsletters of this year. We have unfortunately experienced a lot of technical problems with our telephone, ISP, and computer that have made it difficult to send our newsletter for printing.


In Brazil, early March lends itself to a peculiar annual craze, that is, the infamous Carnaval. Unfortunately, Carnaval, being an essentially pagan holiday involving liberal sensuality, prostitution, and often spiritism, is not a holiday celebrated by the Brazilian church. But the Brazilian church doesn’t like to go without a party either. In a sanctified ‘spirit of party,’ our Vinha churches have developed the tradition of making a holiday all their own during the Carnaval rush, aptly named Cristoval. This year’s retreat drew around 200 adults (and many children) from Vinha churches in five cities and the nearby river regions for three days of food, fun, good teaching, and great swimming. Before the retreat, Railson was involved in supervising several construction projects at the camp, which is located relatively near Porto de Moz on the Xingu River. Included is a photo of one of the boats loaded with 130 happy campers about to depart on the 10-hour journey back home.

Praying at All Times

To round out this month’s newsletter, we’d like to make a special request for prayer regarding the following situations:

bulletDevelopment of the Almerim church. At this time, there appear to be about 11 new believers waiting for baptism. Railson will make his next trip to Almerim at the end of March.
bulletLeadership development for the Porto de Moz church in anticipation of our departure.
bulletVolunteers for children’s and youth work. Large families make children’s work an essential part of ministry, yet one that we find consistently difficult to maintain. Please pray for a renewed enthusiasm in this area.

Railson & Heidi


Letters & Packages: Railson & Heidi Gil, Rua Abel Alves dos Santos 1704,
Cabanagem, Porto de Moz, PA 68.330-000 Brazil
Financial Support: The Xingu Mission, PO Box 340785, Columbus, OH 43234-0785
(checks made payable to the Xingu Mission with a note for Gil-Brazil)
Phone: 55-93-3793-1259
Email (forwarding): harnold@orst.edu

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