
Railson & Heidi Gil
Church Planting in Brazil
The Xingu Mission  •  Vineyard Brazil

Prayer Corner...

1. Expansion and leadership of men’s and women’s discipleship groups

2. Musical and sound equipment for the church

3. Saturday/Sunday kids club led by one of our members

4. The start-up of Railson’s “tent-making” internet business, Master Informática

5. More conversions and baptisms

6. The sale of our home and property in Porto de Moz

7. Expansion of home fellowship groups (We will be starting a new group in the neighborhood of our new rental house.)

The Brazilian Picture

Upon first look, quiet Brazil seems a haven from terrorist attacks and natural disasters. Daily life is fairly uneventful, but make no mistake about it: Brazil, among the “emerging nations” is not without its problems. Taking a  quick look at the Brazilian evening news proves the point. A  recent broadcast revealed that 29% of untimely deaths in major cities are attributed to homicide. Fourteen million Brazilians still don’t know how to read or write. The income disparity between the haves and the have-nots continues to widen with the top 1% of the population now enjoying an amount of wealth equivalent to that spread among the poorest 50%, and 53 million Brazilians live in poverty or misery.  In short, Brazil needs more of God -- not more “religion” (we’ve got that up to our ears) -- more of a society-transforming, powerful, righteous God.

We are blessed to be working with a movement that values the Brazilian situation, that is, that recognizes Brazil’s challenges, culture, music, customs and overall uniqueness. Vineyard Brazil has taken large steps in the last year to unify its churches and organize its resources. In May, pastors from the Xingu Mission had the pleasure of receiving Mike Fields, Vineyard International Missions Director, as mentor and church father to the Xingu basin. It was edifying to hear his personal experiences and draw from his wisdom. Also in May, a team of pastors and leaders from our mission participated in the national Inter-Vinha (Vineyard) Conference held this year in Belo Horizonte. (Unfortunately, we were unable to go.)

A Note on Funding

We are especially appreciative of the financial support our friends and family have offered in the last few months. It has been a tight time as we have juggled two house moves, a change of church buildings, a declining dollar, the implantation of our small business, and the unavailability of a position for Heidi at the hospital. We trust that as our supporters give, they give without a sense of obligation, having been led by the Lord. He is our Provider and always seems to get us to where we need to be. As His stewards we commit to use all financial gifts wisely and prayerfully and not to ask for funds that are not needed.

Currently, we need increased financial support for daily family expenses, office materials, travel expenses, health coverage, church property, and construction materials. As we recently related to fellow leaders at  Xingu, with more money on our hands we can do more Kingdom work with more efficiency. Should you feel led to give, write to the address below, specifying your gift for the Gils or Almeirim.

Heidi & Railson

Special Prayer Request:  Our family is under fire because of false accusations launched by a troubled teen who lived with us for 10 months before being dismissed for poor conduct. Please pray that all slander will be dissolved, gossip halted, the truth and righteousness of Christ concerning our situation be clear to our leaders and churches, and our family integrity be protected. We encourage your inquiries for more information on this subject. It has been an emotionally difficult time for us.

Letters & Packages: Railson & Heidi Gil, C.P. 10, Almeirim, PA 68.230-000 Brazil
Financial Support: The Xingu Mission, PO Box 340785, Columbus, OH 43234-0785
(checks made payable to the Xingu Mission with a note for Gil-Brazil)
Phone: 55-93-3737-1888
Email: railson.gil@canal13.com.br

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