Railson & Heidi Gil
Porto de Moz, Pará, Brazil
News from the Field
July-August 2003

Back on Track
A backslider comes home

Evandro began believing in Jesus when he was yet a young adolescent. From the start he was an active participant in our worship services. By age 17 he showed the enthusiasm of a true servant musician when he began to teach himself to play the keyboard on the church's music team. His Christian walk became an example for others, especially the youth.

But just as Evandro was beginning to find his feet in leadership, the enemy launched fire-darts of mistrust and complaint, spiritual lethargy, and the lure of a worldly lifestyle. Soon Evandro could no longer be found at church. His situation deteriorated to the point that he was completely disinterested in church life and indifferent in his relationship with God. He began to drink acohol and hold company with rebels. Before long he found it necessary to carry a firearm, and those who called themselves his friends invited him to partake in armed assaults. Evandro's journey even led him to spending a night in prison.

By God's mercy, however, Evandro simply was not satiated with a lifestyle so far off target. Curiously, from his perspective he hadn't rejected God. Often he remembered the life he led in communion with Jesus and yearned to go back, but his worldly desires seemed too powerful. After several months of wandering, Evandro worked up the courage to take the first steps home-this time with a renewed commitment to serve the body and lead a life worthy of his calling. And from that commitment he has never since wavered. Says he in retrospect, "A life far from Jesus is really complicated!"

Railson proudly gave Evandro responsibility for the church's morning radio program in early July of this year, and not surprisingly, Evandro has established himself as an excellent radio personality (pictured above). Letters arrive at the station nearly every day from enthusiastic listeners requesting songs or messages to be transmitted.

To us, Evandro's story is a testimony of the gracious hand of God directing and protecting a young man's life and role of service in the kingdom. We thank Evandro for his permission to share this story and ask that you remember him and the Porto de Moz radio broadcast in your prayers this month.

A Brief Biography...
Here, we'll share a little about ourselves for the benefit of those who are new partners in our ministry.

Railson and Heidi Gil have been living and working in the Xingu basin since their marriage in 1999. Railson, native to the region, now pastors the church he was born again in seven years ago. He has a special desire to reach the disadvantaged and enjoys opportunities to share the Gospel.

Part of his ministry strategy involves hosting a local radio broadcast, occasional film-showing at church and in the community, discipling young believers, teaching in home fellowships, working on community construction projects (e.g. Constru-Blessing), and, more recently, taking groups of young men on "survival and Bible" retreats into the bush.

Heidi, as a community nutritionist enjoys the link her work with the department of health gives her with the community. In her consultation room she accompanies about 200 healthy infants per month as well as undernourished children from the city and river villages. Often she is able to identify needs that the church can meet through visits, counseling or prayer and often invites her clients to church services. Besides her work in nutrition, she has a vision for a strong children and women's ministry at the local church, and participates on the worship team.

Railson and Heidi have the desire to develop their church into a center for material and spiritual support of the growing network of river churches within the municipality. The other main focus of development is to provide a haven for the disadvantaged, unquestionably the largest sector of the population.

In July, the church in Porto de Moz held its second annual conference with Pastor Galdino from Altamira as guest speaker. Many in the congregation, including visitors from the community and other local churches, adopted the theme "I'm thirsty, Lord" as a heart-felt proclamation. The Portuguese version of the Vineyard song Another Drink was revived for the occasion. During the conference's three days the Lord graciously refreshed the thirsty gathering through Galdino's message and through extended times of worship.

On the horizon, Railson and Heidi see the possibility of moving to the city of Almerim to plant a new Igreja da Vinha. In preparation, Railson makes the five-hour boat trip once a month to encourage the believers there. On a weekly basis about 20 adults meet in a house rented by the church in Porto de Moz to worship together and learn from the Word. There have already been several new conversions and baptisms, and a Saturday Bible session for children is being developed by one of the members. Pictured are Sr. Coelho (far right) and a few members of the new plant in Almerim, in front of the meetinghouse.

Prayer List
Please take part in our ministry by praying over the following needs:

In Porto de Moz

bulletGrowth of home fellowships through new conversions
bulletLeadership training
bulletSelection and training of a new pastor in lieu of our move
bulletChildren's workers and Sunday School resources
bulletResources, especially financial, to help sustain the Almerim church

In Almerim

bulletFunds for the purchase of a motor boat as an aid to visits, river evangelism and emergency transport
bulletClear direction from the Lord concerning the "if" and "when" of the Gil's move to Almerim
bulletStrong, committed believers with the inclination and potential to be trained as servant leaders for the new plant
bulletSr. "Coelho" and his wife Marilene who live in Almerim and are working with us toward the development of the local church


Letters & Packages: Railson & Heidi Gil, Rua Abel Alves dos Santos 1704,
Cabanagem, Porto de Moz, PA 68.330-000 Brazil
Financial Support: The Xingu Mission, PO Box 340785, Columbus, OH 43234-0785
(checks made payable to the Xingu Mission with a note for Gil-Brazil)
Phone: 55-93-3793-1259
Email (forwarding): harnold@orst.edu

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