Railson & Heidi Gil
Porto de Moz, Pará, Brazil
News from the Field
July/August 2002

Ahhh...the thrill of victory! There's not a Brazilian that didn't relish it on the 30th of June when our national soccer team brought Brazil to its fifth championship in the World Cup. Beyond doubt, soccer unites the Brazilian people in the most dynamic of ways, and with June's grand victory that unity was once again energized.

Several weeks after the victory, yellow and green, our national colors, still paint the landscape, the streets, the houses...even the faces and hair of some...giving testimony to Brazil's loyalty to its national game. President Fernando Henrique personally presented each player with a medal of honor at the congressional palace and permitted a three-day national holiday in honor of the team's triumphant victory. Certainly, there never was a more jubilant moment to be alive in Brazil.

On that same triumphant Sunday, our church gathered for its evening service in an aura of festivity. Railson took advantage of the day's proceeding events to preach on the reality of each soul's convocation to the Celestial Selection, including the need for each one's decisiveness, belonging, and excellence in worship. Just as soccer is the national passion of Brazil, we, as believers, want Jesus to be our common passion that unites, transforms, and throttles us into unspeakable joy.

Above: Brazilian team captain Cafu proudly raises the trophy of the World Cup as confetti fills the air.

From Railson's desk... (translated by Heidi)

On the field, perhaps only eleven Brazilians determine the outcome of a game, but playing vicariously with them are 180 million more countrymen whose aim is to transmit solidarity and encouragement. Certainly every player on the Brazilian Selection knows that soccer is a tradition that courses through the blood of a people who truly love the sport.

The secret of Brazilian soccer is two-fold:

  1. Soccer is played wholeheartedly, as for the nation.
  2. Backing up the team is a nation that cheers its team on to victory perhaps more enthusiastically than any other nation.

One thing I know for sure is that God wants every nation to know Him wholeheartedly and enthusiastically, with that same passion that Brazilians have for soccer (see John 17:3). I have great hope that the Brazilian people will one day come to Christ with a united heart and a genuine thirst for God that can only come through true repentance. Presently, only about 18% of the population indicates that it follows Jesus. That shows us that we have a lot more ball yet to play in the Kingdom of God. And that's where church planting enters.

At the moment we are praying for a small city called Almerim. This city of about 45,000 inhabitants lies on the bank of the Amazon about six hours by boat from Porto de Moz. In early July, a lady from Almerim received Jesus during a service at our church. When she told me that she was from Almerim, I felt in my heart that I was seeing the beginning of a church there. Please pray with us for the direction of the Lord in terms of a future church plant in Almerim.

Constru-blessing Update:

Igreja da Vinha continues to reach out to residents through small home construction projects. In July, we laid a foundation for a church family with 10 children. Please continue to donate toward this ministry if you feel so led. Your donation helps us buy building materials and increases the number of homes we can impact. Designate you check for "Gils-Constru-blessing" and send to the giving address below.

Urgent Infant Needs

Heidi's work with infants brings her into contact with a lot of needy moms. This month for instance two babies of 13-year-old moms, a baby with spina bifida, twins born to a mother of eight, and a premie of 28 weeks are all on her patient list. If you are able, please send cloth diapers, plastic pants, and lightweight newborn clothing. Children's Tylenol and diaper rash cream are appreciated, too, as are maternity garments. Send all items to our Brazil address found at the bottom of this letter.

Life along the river margins is much based on seasonal fishing and the cultivation of manioc root.
Being Tim's mom and dad is the best thing in the world! Tim turned one-and-a-half in July.

Our heartfelt thanks goes to everyone who has given sacrificially to our work in Brazil through financial donations, materials, letters and visits. You are special to us and make what we do possible. May God reward you richly for your generosity and increase your capacity to touch the nations. Lets continue to work together to serve Him.

Railson & Heidi Gil


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Letters & Packages: Railson & Heidi Gil, Rua Abel Alves dos Santos 1704,
Cabanagem, Porto de Moz, PA 68.330-000 Brazil
Financial Support: The Xingu Mission, PO Box 1218, Delaware, OH 43015
(checks made payable to the Xingu Mission with a note for Gil-Brazil)
Phone: 55-93-3793-1259
Email (forwarding): harnold@orst.edu