Railson & Heidi Gil
Porto de Moz, Pará, Brazil
News from the Field
July/August 2001

Crusade with Paul Cull

We've had a great beginning to our July: first, the prayer campaigns in each city district, then the morning and evening radio programs announcing the Good News, and finally the biggest "God party" our church has ever seen! We were honored by the presence of local churches, as well as many river and outlying city churches of the Xingu Mission. As we write, we are in the process of making contact with all of those who received the Lord during the conference and helping them get established in family groups. It's been a busy month, but the Lord has given us new energy each step of the way. Here, we share with you some photos from the conference taken from inside our facility. As you can see, many people were deeply touched by the Lord as Paul Cull preached and prayed prophetically over them. More, Lord!

"Your Word was to me the joy
and rejoicing of my heart."

Jeremiah 15:16

Praise Band at the crusade

As I mentioned above, we took out radio time to put a good word on the airways of Porto de Moz. Our morning and evening programs were extremely popular among those living in the interior, providing a source of edifying music and information concerning church events. Unfortunately our funding has come to an end, thus, the programs are halted. If you or someone you know is interested in supporting our radio ministry please get in contact with us immediately at the address below. The cost is very reasonable: about $200 per month for 60 hours of airtime (or $100 for 30 hours). Please prayerfully consider becoming involved in this outreach.

Summer Baking: Mango Cake
Just for fun, try this!
Here in Pará, mangos are as common as apples are in the Northwest.

1 c butter
1 c sugar
4 egg yolks
1 c mango juice (mango pieces beaten in the blender and strained)
3 c flour
1 tbsp baking powder
1 tsp cardamom
4 egg whites, beaten stiff

Juice of 2 oranges
2 c powdered sugar

Cream butter and sugar. Add egg yolks; blend until creamy. Alternate adding sifted dry ingredients and juice, little by little. Fold in beaten egg whites. Pour into a rectangular cake pan; bake at 350oF (175oC) for 30 minutes or until done. Chill. Combine sugar and orange juice for icing. Serve cake with icing drizzled over the top of each piece.

It's a joy to be in the Lord's service. Thanks for being part of bringing that joy to us. We are grateful for those of you who sent in pledges of financial support in the last months. Beyond a doubt, it is you that make possible what we do on a daily basis. If you did not receive a donation card, but would like to become part of our support team, please write us at the Brazil address below. Or, for faster return, send us an e-mail.

In His Service, Heidi and Railson


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Past Newsletters

Letters & Packages: Railson & Heidi Gil, Rua Abel Alves dos Santos 1704, Cabanagem, Porto de Moz, PA 68.330-000 Brazil
Financial Support: GCF, PO Box 561, Corvallis, OR 97339 (checks made payable to GCF with a note for Gil-Brazil)
Phone: 55-91-
3793-1259 (note: the phone company added an extra 3 to our number in July)
Email (forwarding):