News From the Field

Third Quarter 2008

Railson & Heidi Gil
developing Brazilian Community
building the Body of Christ

Igreja da Paz,
Church of Peace

New converts receive prayer, September 2008

Child Dedication, September 2008

Prayer Agenda:

Once again we can testify to answered prayer from last quarter’s prayer agenda, particularly regarding church leadership. Pastor Marico and his wife, Renata, have literally been a godsend. Thank you for being a part of this!

As we have co-labored over the years, our prayer life has become sweeter, less anxious and more confident, and our place of prayer less of a barracks and more of a living room. He draws us into Himself and implants an eagerness in us to present our desires to Him. So in this spirit, we share those desires with you, our prayer partners…

  1. Brazilian elections. October is elections month. One month before the elections, two (out of four) of Monte Dourado’s mayoral candidates were cited for elections fraud. Although guilty, they are still in the running, and ironically, are the favorites. One, who is the current mayor, has allowed two community schools literally fall to pieces, and the hospital has all but shut down. Sadly, this typifies the situation for many cities of northern Brazil. Making the situation worse, voting is mandatory in Brazil lending to the epidemic of vote-buying, especially in undereducated, remote regions such as ours. So please pray for God’s will to prevail in Brazilian politics this term. A few men and women of integrity in high levels can make a positive difference for everyone!
  2. Northern Brazil. Pray for the manifest presence of our good God in unexpected ways. Continue to pray against the influences of idolatry, blinding ignorance, promiscuity, seduction, political corruption and violence. While we were away in the States, a 12-year-old in the Laranjal murdered her four younger siblings with a knife after being instructed by a dark figure she "saw." Let’s release the light on these realms of darkness.
  3. Ministry, Miracles & Salvations. We are blessed to see people make firm decisions and rededications for the Lord every week. Physical healings are becoming common (although we remind ourselves that they are not an end in themselves). More Lord!
  4. New Work in Health & Nutrition. Things are going well. We are looking at the viability of developing a low-cost clinic in the next few years for infants and pregnant women.


Special Note: Due to poor Internet access, we are not always able to keep our MSN web page as up-to-date as we would like. We can only upload photos and edit blogs on occasions when we have a strong signal for an adequate amount of time. Please be patient with us!

Thanks for a Great Time!

Back home in Brazil, we find ourselves constantly reminiscing on all the great memories you created for us

Our visit to the States this summer was rewarding and refreshing. It gave us the opportunity to rekindle old friendships and develop new ones. It was a time in which we put our vision for ministry before the Lord and felt the joy of Him renewing it in us. We rested and dreamed, rested and drove, rested and ate…! The kids, who have dual citizenship, were enchanted not only by their first acquaintance with American culture, but also by the vast array of fun things to do.

Our US family and friends were graciously accommodating during this visit. We are grateful to the Lims for their compassion toward our work as well as for their indisputable hospitality. Likewise, we are grateful to Heidi’s parents who graciously kept pace with our Brazilianness, entertained us tirelessly Oregon-style, and dispensed with the family budget for several weeks on end. Thanks also to Julia who made it possible for us to attend the Leaders’ Conference at the Albany Vineyard. We were wonderfully challenged and encouraged during this 4-day conference in which we soaked in God’s presence with hundreds of other visionary leaders and were challenged to put some of "those crazy dreams" into action. A definite highlight was being introduced to Bill Johnson’s ministry. Special thanks also goes to the Worotikans who pampered us and our little ones during conference time; to the Whalens who helped get us on the plane in the first place; to the church fellowships in Corvallis, Albany, and Portland who listened to us with compassionate hearts; to Kim, Cheryl, the Potters, and others who responded graciously to various needs that arose; to the Driscolls for their fantastic hospitality and kid-friendly entertainment; to Pastor Steve who opened our eyes to the importance of nurturing a culture of honor; to Pastor JD, friends and workers at LCC, who, besides having been incredibly receptive and generous, have been flexible with our changing needs; and to friends at all points along the trip who took time out to share their hearts with us, often helping out with practical needs as well.

We were blessed beyond measure by your loving gestures and are grateful that the Lord has made you part of our lives. You are the proof that we are a team effort here in Brazil. May He increase, and may we all be rewarded with joy.

Let’s Reach the Children

(left) Childrens Church is growing by leaps and bounds—more visitors means more kids! You can help provide materials to help lead them and their families to Jesus.

Through the years we have led children’s projects and developed programs for working with this diverse group. This year we are taking advantage of Brazilian Children’s Day (October 12th) to lend a hand to the kids’ department.

Our children’s workers have been working painstakingly without any teaching materials, so we have taken the initiative to identify and prioritize a number of practical needs. Meeting these needs will make kids’ church more effective and easier for our workers to direct. Listed below are items you can help provide…

  1. DVD player (ironically, we have kids’ Bible story DVDs on hand, but no way to show them), about $150

  2. Television for use with the DVDs (prices for home electronics here are about twice that of the States)

  3. Portable stereo with CD player

  4. Hands-on curriculum: for about US$2.00/month per child we can provide excellent Portuguese-based Bible teaching materials, teachers’ guides, and visual aids

  5. Music CDs for teaching kids to worship, as well as for learning songs for special events. CDs cost from US$6.00 to US$15 through national sources.

  6. Children’s Bibles and story books for use in Sunday school, $15 to $30 each

If your heart is touched with the desire to help with the purchase of any of the above materials, notify us immediately by email,, specifying the amount of your gift and the item you desire to help sponsor. In the event that the item has already been sponsored, we will designate your gift toward the item of next highest priority.

Be assured that any amount is useful, (especially considering the recent rise in the exchange rate which has the effect of making the dollar stretch farther). Send your donation promptly to our usual financial support address in Oregon, just as you would for sending monthly support. Gifts are tax deductible.

Confident of your participation, we are making an order for 3 months’ worth of curriculum for thirty children, so get on board and make your donation count!

Nutrition Work

(right) Heidi works voluntarily as nutritionist at the public hospital and health posts

It is a joy to share Christ’s compassion through health work. Heidi has returned to clinical and community nutrition, something made possible in March when her permanence was authorized. It has been rewarding to get acquainted with the hospital staff and consultation routine at the 29-bed hospital in Monte Dourado. Across the river in the Laranjal, work is concentrated on national-level nutrition surveillance based out of 5 community health posts. Many families that we see are extremely needy, and only a small percentage of them are able to get on welfare. Childhood nutrition and breastfeeding are main issues.

Since the beginning, the Lord has provided divine encounters for testifying of His goodness and compassion toward families. Real nutrition begins with Him, the Bread of Life. It is a privilege to be able pray for to pray for hospitalized patients any time, not just during visiting hours. Recently, Heidi was able to share the gospel with the Secretary of Health of the Laranjal, "My nationality and the story of how I came to reside in Brazil constantly open doors for sharing about Christ."

Images from the Amazon River taken during our trip home from the States, August 2008

Even in the poorest of communities, the Catholic cathedral usually stands ornately in a prominent place. On a social level, it serves as a point of reference for the entire community. Contrary to the US, the church in Brazil is very much intertwined with the State. Politicians often tout religiosity as an aid to improving their public profile. Smart missionaries learn to turn conversations on religion into conversations about Christ

Stilt homes on the bank of the Amazon. Many riverside communities have developed a dependence on food donations (almost universally of poor nutritional quality) tossed from public boats which pass by periodically, and, worse, on sexual tourism which runs rampant in these areas of easy access, unemployment, geographical isolation, and lack of law enforcement

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